IDERA Live | Working with Complex Data Environments

Webcast : IDERA Live | Work with Complex Data Environments Companies are expanding their systems beyond relational databases to incorporate big data and cloud deployments, creating hybrid configurations. Database professionals have the challenges of managing multiple...

Geek Sync | Designing Data Intensive Cloud Native Applications

Webcast : Geek Sync | Design Data-intensive Cloud-native Applications Cloud is rapidly changing the way modern-day applications are being designed. Data is at the center of multiple challenges while architecting solutions in the cloud.  With technology changing...

Move InterBase Management to the Next Level with Aqua Data Studio

Webcast: Move InterBase Management to the Next Level Do you need to do more to manage InterBase than what is included in the integrated console? Aqua Data Studio is a comprehensive IDE that lets you go deeper with managing database connections, developing SQL queries,...

Geek Sync – Database People and DevOps: The Fundamentals

Webcast : Geek Sync | Database People and DevOps: The Fundamentals DevOps is a software delivery philosophy that focuses on delivering quality, faster. Join IDERA and Stuart Ainsworth to learn about the basic principles of DevOps and how they apply to database...

Manage MySQL and MongoDB Queries with Confidence

Webcast: Manage MySQL and MongoDB Queries with Confidence As data continues to expand, the types of databases for containing and managing that data have also increased beyond standard on-premises relational formats. Many companies are expanding their environments to...