Multiple Database Management
Many modern, data-driven organizations are tasked with managing multiple databases. Often, this is due to complex infrastructures and/or phased digital transformation efforts that see some databases and systems move to the cloud, while legacy systems remain on-premises.
The business requirements and demands of the market cannot be effectively addressed with a monolithic approach to handling enterprise data resources. Too much value will be left on the table trying to fit the diverse and voluminous data streams that are available into a single database solution.
Multi-Platform Database Environments
Understanding and managing multi-platform database environments is further complicated by the options made available by the services offered by public cloud providers. Many organizations are opting for a hybrid infrastructure that combines on-premises and cloud resources to furnish the systems and applications needed to run a business.
An average company can have multiple databases running on different infrastructures that all need to be managed and maintained by a single team. This can put a lot of stress on teams that lack skills in certain areas or those comprised of individuals with expertise focused on a specific subset of the platforms in use. Database team members must become more flexible to cope with the changing face of their environments.
Two key considerations for managing multiple databases effectively are people and software. Namely:
- The increasingly flexible role of data professionals
- Versatile database clients that support a wide array of databases
Database Management
We’ll start with “people.”
As database environments have evolved, so have the roles of the professionals tasked with keeping them and the business as a whole running smoothly. What were once clearly delineated responsibilities can become blurred as teams attempt to keep up with the pace of change necessitated by business requirements.
At one time, the following positions all had clearly defined functions that were understood by the team. Individuals in these roles knew what they were expected to do and where their responsibilities ended. Examples of team roles that have evolved to encompass a wider range of skills include:
- Application developers
- Application database administrators
- Database developers
- Database administrators
- Business analysts
- Data analysts
- Systems administrators
- Data architects, scientists, and modelers
- IT consultants and managers
To adequately address the needs of the organization, more cooperation between the individuals in these roles is required. The DevOps discipline has grown out of this need as well-defined roles are disappearing while the emphasis turns to ensuring the flexibility of data movement throughout the enterprise. New skills and tools are needed for teams to reach their true potential.
The modification of business processes requires an acceptance of new roles and responsibilities. Database administrators (DBAs) may need to prepare visual presentations for use by business analysts. Developers who previously worked with relational databases need to become conversant with the complexities of NoSQL platforms. The needs of the business have to be addressed through cross-over and a willingness to engage in new and unfamiliar activities.
Managing Multi-Platform Databases
Aqua Data Studio offers database teams a flexible and streamlined solution designed to address the complexity of multiple-platform environments. From a single interface, the tool supports over 30 relational, NoSQL, and cloud database platforms including SQL Server, MySQL, Amazon RDS, and Microsoft Azure. A minimized learning curve and increased productivity are direct results of this multi-purpose database tool.
The tool enables database professionals to access all of their databases from a unified interface. They can also perform many data-related activities like creating visualizations, reverse-engineering systems, create SQL queries visually, and develop entity-relationship diagrams. It’s a valuable software solution that gives teams an advantage over those using tools dedicated to specific platforms.
I highly recommend this IDERA webcast which provides detailed examples of how Aqua Data Studio can help teams manage multiple database roles and platforms efficiently. Presenter Lisa Waugh speaks eloquently about the challenges faced by data professionals in many roles when working with multiple database platforms.
Aqua Data Studio
The webcast demonstrates how the versatility of Aqua Data Studio can aid productivity and help minimize the challenges of managing a complex multi-platform environment. Little things like changing colors to identify production systems from test and development instances is just one example of how this tool can save time and minimize errors. Aqua Data Studio is packed with features to simplify the work-life of database professionals.